Monday, June 25, 2007

AUSTRALIA - Sydney, 25th June

Wearing a jacket and tottering along, wincing from blisters induced by feet unaccustomed to shoes after 4 months, I walked through Hyde Park and down Oxford Street trying to shake the sensation that after my 4 months of adventures I was right back where I'd started: London. Then I'd turn a corner and be greeted by the stunning sparkling blue water of the harbour, the Opera House twinkling at me in the wintry sun light, a group of cockatoos strutting about, and be reassured that I was, in fact, on the other side of the world from home, although Australians have done their damdest to feverishly imitate it.
I was met at the airport and swept on a whistle-stop tour of the sites of Sydney by Roger and James, who were kind enough to wake up at 5am on a Friday morning to come and pick me up. I cruised in luxury through a beautiful, icy, winter morning thankful for comfortable seat and heating that was keeping my still flip-flopped toes warm.
In Sydney you get the impression that Australian has been chopped up and served to you in appealing bite-sized pieces, infused with longing references to Europe, particularly England. But Sydney remains its own city too. The Ozzy fashion is so cutting edge that my wallet has begun to bleed as I enthusiastically charge around glittering department stores 'cityfying' myself: Boots, hats, trousers and jackets replace flip-flops and Thai Fisherman Pants.
Asia is fading fast, alarmingly so, as I have plunged head first into the Sydney 'scene' laid open to me by obliging friends who 'know people' about town.
In the midst of the whirlwind, however, I have managed to find time to be reunited with my parents. In the reception of their very swanky hotel we bounced excitedly up and down, marvelling at the miles we have all travelled to enable this reunion on the other side of the world.
We had a happy few days together exploring Sydney, riding about on ferry boats, examining Australian Art at the Gallery of New South Wales and (in total abandonment of my backpacker status) an evening at the Opera House, where we saw a wonderful production of The Barber of Seville.
Yesterday, after yet another night on ze town, my parents tore me away from Sydney and marched me off to Brisbane for some hardcore family time and a bit of a detox...
I now find myself deep in the suburbs of Queensland. We are lodged in some 'serviced apartments' just opposite the Centenary Shopping Centre and I am once again reeling from culture shock. Some exploration of the coast to follow I think. I'm rather enjoying just going where I'm told...

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