Thursday, February 22, 2007

For some reason known only to them, they are threatoning to deport my proposed travel companion! Really, the cheek of it. Poor Kate has spent the last 4 days queing, begging, getting things signed, countersigned and photo copied only to be told that they've opened a police investigation on her as her visa status is dubious. Dear oh dear. Seeing as she may have to go to Nepal on Wednesday the Jaipur trip just didn't seem feasable.
So, as it always seems to be the way when travelling, I suddenly find myself booked on a 19 hour sleeper train to Jaisalmer tonight instead to meet a group of Dutch people, fresh from camel riding! Such is life...
Consequently I'll be off line for a while but obviously reachable by phone (and greatful for any time killing messages I'm sure)
Next post: Jaisalmer! x

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