Sunday, June 10, 2007

THAILAND - Ko Pang Nang & Koh Tao, Monday 11th June

As no doubt most of you will have guessed, no news is generally good news, which would account for my silence over the last week or so. My silence can also be attributed to the general laid-backness of island life. One day blends into another with very little distiction and consequently not much to tell.
However, Jazz and I had a very happy time on Ko Pang Nang, sunning ourselves on the beach and bouncing around until the early hours as the season of Full Moon dictated. The only real shadow cast over our enjoyment was, I am ashamed to say, due to the conduct of my fellow countrymen. There is no escaping the fact that Ko Pang Nang is densly populated with highlighted and bronzed British rich-kids, somewhere between school and university. This wouldn't be so much of a problem if they weren't all behaving so badly.
My natural habitat lies dangerously close to the Kings Road and so I am more accustomed to the ways of some of these kids: Their cheerful oblivion to any outside influences and their stubborn determination to keep it just so. Jazz, however, was unprepared and consequently mortified at the obvious snub that we recieved every time we attempted civilities. As she became increasingly upset, I became increasingly embarassed and endeveoured to try and redeam Britishness to this characteristically friendly Australian who was rapidly going off and entire nation. I did my best.
The best way to discribe the Full Moon Party is to resort back to my university analogy which is appropriate, especially if you take in mind the age group of my fellow islanders.
From Fresher's Week to the Freshers Ball. People and drinks being distributed with equal freeness, casualties of over-indulgence strewn about and naked flesh cavorting in merky swimming pools in the early hours. Amidst the chaos is Jazz and me dancing on a table with Borat and 4 ladyboys dressed as sailors. I am also told that there is video footage of us on a blacony dancing up the sunrise. I would have expected nothing less.
So all lots of good fun and general silliness. Our week on Ko Pang Nang passed in a leisurly blur of parties and sunbathing. We were more than ready to hop over to Koh Tao for some less nocturnal activities and a spot of snorkelling. Koh Tao is a beautiful island with palm tree-covered peaks sloping down to white sands and tourquise waters. We spent a rather exhilerating couple of days clinging on to the back of dirt bikes while our drivers (two obliging essex boys) navigated us off-road to remote beaches and view points, which were beautiful - when I could bring myself to open my eyes, my driver could be a little over zealous with the throttle and seemed to be enjoying himself a little too much.
On Wednesday I turned 25 and am less than impressed by my alarming marching of years. My day was chirped up however by an early start and trip to the ferry port to greet a long awaited and very familiar face. Charley arrived on Koh Tao exhausted after a nightmare journey and smarting slightly from the sever ripping off that he'd undergone on Kao San Road but happy to be on a remote island where everything is calmer. By this point we had gathered quite a little possie so I had a great birthday party.
Jazz and the boys left on Friday as the days are slipping by, I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that island life can be somewhat limited. Every self-indulgent whim is catered for, the setting is idylic but after my adventures over the last few months I find myself hankering for more. Fortunately Charley is about ready to leave the islands now too (with a little nudge). I fly to Sydney in just over a week which leaves me time for a few more adventures before I bid farewell to Asia...
We are heading over night back to the mainland where we make our way to Khoa Sok National Park for a couple of days (I could not resist the lure of waterfalls, lime stone cliffs and the promise of blood sucking leeches - Charley has his reservations). We then head up, through Bangkok again, to Sukhothai Historical Park where I shall ponder a few temples and a few last Wats before decending back to Bangkok and onwards to Oz.
I'll be busier so I promise I'll keep you updated.


Ian_UK said...

dear katie - your dad kindly sent me your blogg. I used to work for your dad at A&O. now my children are at university and it is lovely to see how you (collective kids) have grown up and doing such exciting things. I like your india stories. Good luck with your travels and keep safe. Your dad is (rightly)very proud of you. Will send him an email now. Laila

Pearson said...

Hey again,

Full Moon sounds pretty much as I imagined it would be; glad you had fun though. Looking forward to seeing you! You gonna be staying with Bob & Family in Melbs? When you getting here?

Tim K said...


Tim here again. Just to let you know that your Mum and Dad arrived in Beijing today in good shape. Well, sort of good shape but am sure they will fill you in on the details of their flight over when they talk to you next. If you can't find them over the next week or so you can try my mobile number for a start - + 86 1391 118 3820.


Katie said...

Thank you!
Adam: I'll be in the same country as you very soon... Not sure about where I'll stay in Melbourne and how long I'll be there, I'll work it out. xxx