Wednesday, February 28, 2007

If I am to be reincarnated as a cow, can I please come back as an Indian one? Not only are you very beautiful with huge almond-shaped eyes and you are unlikely to become a beef burger but it is the responsibility of the village to make sure you are fed and happy. Perfect.
I am in Udaipur, white city surrounded by man-made lakes, remarkable engineering for the late 1500s. Here, in South Rajasthan, we are surrounded by mountains and the valleys are green, freshing to the relentless desert from where we have just come. Jaisalmer was yellow, Jodhpur was blue and Udaipur is white, its palace resembles a wedding cake, appropriate seeing as people flock from all over the world to be married here. It is also famously the set of 'Octopussy' and you are not allowed to forget it!
Last night we saw some classic Rajasthani dancing, lots of swirling of skirts by plump ladies and the provocative clanging of bells by a girl with the most come-hither eyes I have ever seen. All set in a beautiful Haveli, very picturesque.
This morning we went horse riding on some beautiful Indian horses around the lakes and through some little farming villages and tonight I strike on alone to Jaipur via sleeper bus, so the adventure continues...
I am writing this is a fabric shop, the is a scramble every time a tourist wanders past and idly runs their hands along the cloth hanging outside
"Yes, yes, come inside please, much more in side, come inside please, no need to buy, only look." It is amazing how quickly you become deaf to these merchants, desperate to make a sale. Fortunately I feel it is my moral obligation to distribute wealth and shop... so shoes I think.
Next post Jaipur. xxx

1 comment:

Pearson said...

Hehe salesmen eh? It sounds beautiful where you are; almost at the end of the NZ month - I WILL blog something soon I promise! Net access here not quite as cheap as Cambodia (surprisingly) and money is starting to dwindle... Interview with a temp agency on Monday tho, wish me luck and have fun!