Friday, February 16, 2007

Well so far so good, I've made it to Delhi.
Long night flight with no sleep has meant that everything so far has passed in a surreal blur.
I staggered out of Arivals early this morning and was most relieved to see my name being held up on a card (yes, Mummie knows best), my nice driver took me to my hostel where I crashed out for a few hours and had a very cold shower, the 1st of many I'm sure, before daring to venture out in search of soap (how could I have forgotten that?!) I returned elated and triumphant, I'd forgotten how little achievments like that can be so reassuring when you are somewhere totally alien. A girl walking around on her own seems to be regarded as a curious novelty but aside from a bit of gawping I remained unscathed. I'm now master of rickshaws ('autos') so no need to wander so much. And what better way to get around than clinging to the inside frame of a small box on wheels with you life in the hands of a driver who seems to make up for his inferiority complex of driving such a little thing by taking on large lorries. Horns blare constantly and everyone seems to be of the thinking of: Why have one lane when you can hog two and then swerve from on to the other... Great fun.
I met Kate in the afternoon (who is lovely by the way - thank you Ellie) and two 18 year olds (her cousin and his friend)who, having been in India for 2 weeks now delighted in educating me as to the ways of 'Delhi life' and how to 'survive'. All well meant but their constant bickering has lead me to reconsider my inital proposal that I tag along with them when they go to Agra on Monday. The Taj, I fear, may not be enhanced by the snitching.
Kate took us to a modern marble creation, the Lotus Temple which is, you've guessed it, in the shape of a giant lotus, it is the closest thing I've seen to a religious Syney Opera House, massive and totally silent inside (no talking) "the quietest place in Delhi" said Kate appriciatively. It is a Bahai place of worship. Bahai seems to be a religion that ticks all the boxes: "An independent world religion, all embrascing, broad in its outlook, scientific in its methods and humanitaria in its principles." Seems too good to be true!
For a total contrast we then went to an altogether curlier temple for Hari Krishnas. We were just in time, the doors opened and the worshipers flooded in bedecked in beautiful saris, the children hopscotching, giggling and preying in unison.
In front of 3 shrines 3 robed, bronzed and very muscley monks blew long and hard into conk shells, signalling the start of the 'Pouja'. Everyone gathered and the curtains were drawn back with a flourish revealing the glittering, doll-like figures of Krishna and his mates (better described by Kate) bells jinggled, people started lying on the floor and I tried to absorb the culture shock!
On our way out Kate presented me with a flowered wreath (like the ones in 'Monsoon Wedding') "Welcome to India".
So all in all a good day! I think I'm going to be very happy in Dehli, so much to see though! Tomorrow, just to start off on a cultural note, I'm being taken shopping and then clubbing. Will the YWCA let me come in at 4am though, that is the question...


Charlie said...

I get to leave the first comment! Sounds incrediable and its only your first day! Just remember to update as as often as poss. Well done on the soap and don't forget to wash your undies. And keep an eye out for elephant dung - could be unpleasant...

Katie said...

Ha ha I'll do my best, might drown in it...

The good thing about floor length skirts is that it saves the washing of undies...

But thank you, personal hygine is still a priority.

Rosanna said...

Hello my sweetie,
Hope you're happy and not too dazed. Am very jealous. Just sent you mini emails - am so techno-incompetent that I didn't realize I could post here! Just a little question - where are you going to be in August? Am just pondering a little trip...I need a holiday! x

Katie said...

In August my love, I'll probably be in Australia, although I could be in South America if you'd be there too... Shall we meet in Argentina?!